5 research outputs found

    Decreased of Family Negative Attitudes in Family Members of Schizophrenic Sickness disorder with Supportive Therapy

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    Family negative attitudes and family rejection against family members with mental illness increased the incidence of recurrence in patients with mental disorder. The study aimed to determine the effect of supportive therapy on family attitudes and family rejection of family members with mental disorder schizophrenia. This study used a pre-post design quasi-experiment with control group with sampling using cluster sampling The numbers of sample in this study were 51 families with mental illness family member for the intervention group and 45 families with mental illness family member to the control group. This research used the instrument family attitude scale and acceptance and rejection scale. The results showed there were significant changes in attitudes after being given supportive therapy group (p-value<a=0.05). There is a significant difference in the change in the intervention group and the control (p-value<a=0.05). The suggestion of this research is to apply supportive group therapy and family communities

    Durasi Membaca Al-Qur’an dengan Fungsi Kognitif pada Lansia

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    Penurunan fungsi kognitif pada lansia merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya gangguan pada system syaraf pusat seperti berkurangnya masa otak dan berkurangnya aliran darah ke otak yang menyebabkan perubahan jumlah neurotransmitter di otak. Berkurangnya fungsi kognitif pada lansia dapat diatasi dengan rutin membaca Al-Qur’an. Kitab suci Al-Qur’an dapat memberikan ketenangan bagi pembacanya, selain itu Al-Qur’an memiliki tiga trema dengan nama Islam, Kesetiaan, dan Ketaqwaan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengontrol emosi, dan memberikan ketenangan jiwa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan hubungan durasi membaca Al-Qur`an dengan fungsi kognitif pada lansia di Posyandu Lansia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode korelasi cross sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengambilan sampel purposive sampling, dengan jumlah responden 96 lansia. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner mini mental state examination. Analisis data menggunakan spearman rank test dengan nilai signifikansi p0.005. Test bivariate menunjukan hasil adanya hubungan antara durasi membaca Al-Qur`an dengan penurunan fungsi kognitif pada lansia dengan p value= 0.001. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan antara durasi membaca Al-Qur`an dengan penurunan fungsi kognitif pada lansia

    Stress Management Training for Working, Elderly, and Health Cadre Women : Rumah Pendamping Emak Sehat Jiwa

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    Emotional mental disturbances occur more often in adult women due to the influence of the estrogen hormone. Working women tend to have more burdens than women who do not work. Mental emotional disturbance in women, such as stress and anxiety, can interfere with their productivity and lead to depression. The aim of this social empowerment is to do mental health screening and management stress training i.e. deep breathing, the five-finger hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation in order to reduce the sign and symptom of stress and anxiety. Mental health screening was conducted using the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Initially, 44.2% of respondents experienced signs and symptoms of anxiety. After undergoing deep breathing training, the five-finger hypnosis, also progressive muscle relaxation for four meetings in one month, the signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety in women has decreased. The conclusion from this activity is stress management training with deep breathing, the five-finger hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation in adult and elderly women can reduce stress and anxiety levels

    Patient Experience in The Healing Process of Tuberculosis: A Phenomenology Study

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    Background: Indonesia has the third rank of the highest tuberculosis (TB) incidents globally. The complete treatment of the disease becomes the essential thing to be conducted. The duration of TB treatment for at least six months and various factors can affect mental health to the occurrence of depression. The presence of depression in TB patients was significantly associated with poor adherence to TB treatment, as well as higher rates of treatment failure and higher mortality rates. Objective: Exploring the experience of tuberculosis patients during the healing process related to the risk factors that cause depression in patients.Method: A qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The purposive sampling technique collected nine participants from five public health centers in The District of Sleman. They were patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who underwent treatment in the intensive or the continuous phase, presence of depression based on screening with the Beck Depression Inventory-II Questionnaire. Data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews and were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Result: There are five themes as the factors that cause depression in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis which are a) denial of destiny, b) stigma about tuberculosis, c) presence of comorbidities, d) no family support, and e) losing a job.Conclusion: Factors causing depression in TB patients are denial of destiny, stigma about tuberculosis, comorbidities, no family support, and losing a job. It is crucial for health workers to provide health education, counseling, and psychotherapy community-based intervention related to disease, stigma prevention, and family support to reduce the incidence of depression so that they can help complete treatment


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    Tingginya angka pekerja migran (PMI) wanita di Taiwan tanpa dibekali dengan pendidikan yang cukup membuat pekerja migran menjadi kelompok rentan yang mendapatkan perlakuan diskriminatif, minimnya akses pelayanan kesehatan, dan kekerasan atau pelecehan seksual. PMI yang menikah dengan warga lokal Taiwan pun juga sangat kurang mendapat akses informasi kesehatan dan pelayanan kesehatan yang mengakibatkan ibu hamil mengalami distress kehamilan. Kemampuan diri dalam melakukan pemeriksaan mandiri mampu mengidentifikasi kondisi kegawatan sejak dini, sehingga lebih cepat dalam mendapatkan penanganan. Dari masalah tersebut pengabdi memberikan solusi berupa Pendidikan dan pelatihan self-assessment dan self-management kesehatan bagi pekerja migran Indonesia. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dengan metode online melalui zoom meeting dengan 2 sesi pertemuan. Sesi pertama dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 januari 2022 dan 9 Februari 2022 menggunakan media webinar. Kegiatan sesi satu terkait topik self-assessment kondisi psikologis, sedangkan pada sesi kedua topik terkait deteksi dini kehamilan resiko tinggi dan manajemen kesehatan bagi ibu hamil. Hasil kegiatan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan PMI menjadi 94 sedangkan pada kegiatan sesi kedua peningkatan pengetahuan partisipan menjadi 74. Perserta yang hadir pada kegiatan adalah tenaga migran di Taiwan dan Hongkong. Peserta kegiatan menyampaikan senang karena materi yang disampaikan berguna dan bermanfaat bagi pekerja migran di Taiwan, peserta juga berharap agar ada edukasi lagi bagi PMI